
Time from acceptance to publication:
16 days*
2021 total content views:
2021 total Altmetric mentions:

Aims and scope

Evidence-Based Nursing systematically searches a wide range of international healthcare journals applying strict criteria for the validity of research and relevance to best nursing practice. Content is critically appraised and the most relevant articles are summarised into succinct expert commentaries, focusing on the papers’ key findings and implications for nursing practice.
Evidence-Based Nursing is looking for authors to write commentaries for the journal. Authors need not have a PhD, but they should have experience in writing papers. We are also happy to commission less experienced authors if you have a more experienced colleague you can write with. Authors will ideally be nurses or midwives, but other healthcare professionals may register their interest. The aim of a commentary is to discuss, in no more than 800 words:
  1. The context of the problem addressed by the paper
  2. A brief description and critique of the methods, results & conclusions
  3. Implications for practice
  4. How the results fit in with what is currently known in the field
You can read free examples of a commentary on a research paper and a commentary on a systematic review. To register your interest, please fill in the form. Please note that personal data provided by you will be treated in accordance with BMJ’s Privacy Notice.

Editorial Board

For information about Evidence-Based Nursing Editor-in-Chief Dr Alison Twycross and her editorial team, please refer to the Editorial Board page.


Evidence-Based Nursing is co-owned by RCNi and BMJ.

Journal information

Publication Model
Subscription; with hybrid open access option
Launch date
Digital Archives
Indexed by
MEDLINE (Index Medicus), PubMed Central (BMJ Open Access Special Collection), Scopus, Embase (Excerpta Medica), Google Scholar
Print ISSN
Online ISSN

Journal Statistics (2021)

Speed Time to first decision without review: 7 days (median) Time from acceptance to publication: 16 days (median)
Impact Citescore: 4 Citescore rank: 1/14 Scimago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.542
Reach 2021 total content views: 1,229,514 2021 total Altmetric mentions: 442
The impact that academic research has cannot be defined by one single metric. In 2013, BMJ signed the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA). We did this to show our support for using multiple measures and metrics to portray journals’ impact; moving away from the Impact Factor as a single measure. How we get these metrics

Contact information

For all contact information please refer to the contact us page.


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Evidence-Based Nursing is available at a discounted rate to members of the Royal College of Nursing.
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BMJ is a founding member of COPE (the Committee on Publication Ethics), which provides a forum for publishers and Editors of scientific journals to discuss issues relating to the integrity of the work submitted to or published in their journals.
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The EQUATOR Network is an international initiative that seeks to improve the value of medical research literature by promoting transparent, accurate reporting of research studies. BMJ is a sponsor of its activities.
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BMJ is a founding organisation of the AllTrials initiative, which calls for all past and present clinical trials to be registered and their results reported.