The largest meta-analysis of pharmaceutical treatments of Generalised Anxiety Disorder consolidates current knowledge and reveals convincing effectiveness of VenlafaxineStacey Roles28 May 2019
Fathers get depressed too: lifestyle and relationship factors, stress and sleep quality are associated with depression in new fathers in the first 6 months postbirthOyeyemi Olajumoke Oyelade, Atinuke Oluwatoyosi Olowe28 August 2019
The usage of coercive measures in psychiatric units and its potential counter-therapeutic impact on outcomeAkhtar Ebrahimi Ghassemi, None11 July 2019
Supplementing standard batterer intervention programmes with individual motivational plans may increase empathic capacity in perpetrators of intimate partner violenceRobin Walter15 May 2019
Do psychopharmacological interventions affect suicide reattempters?Kirsty E Fishburn, Andrew Paul Barker17 April 2019
Antidepressant discontinuation can be problematic for patients but relapse rates might be reduced with cognitive behavioural therapy or mindfulness-based cognitive therapyJustine Raynsford4 April 2019
Study of electronic records from a south London psychiatric trust suggests that the increased mortality from physical illness linked to depression varies between ethnic groupsKwame McKenzie29 May 2019
Anger treatment has a therapeutic effect on cardiac function and productive livingOyeyemi Olajumoke Oyelade, Nokuthula Gloria Nkosi-Mafutha13 April 2019
Expanding midwifery’s role to improve perinatal mental healthcare accessCindy-Lee Dennis, Simone Vigod28 May 2019
Blunted stress reactivity is a distinctive feature in clinically depressed patientsLolita Alfred, Vickie Howard28 May 2019