Bariatric surgery is an effective means of improving adverse delivery complications in term birthsClare Gordon18 March 2019
Women who experience threatened preterm labour need early and accurate assessment, a clear management plan and continuity of care to reduce stress and anxietyClare Gordon18 March 2019
Fear of inducing guilt or shame affects midwives’ communication about body weight with pregnant womenLou Atkinson31 July 2018
Study suggests that pre-existing maternal epilepsy increases the risk of adverse perinatal outcomesJu-Lee Oei16 March 2018
There remains a need for greater awareness and further research on fathers’ stress in the perinatal periodLiana S Leach7 May 2018
‘Time for self’ appears to be a proactive strategy for the prevention of postpartum depressionCindy-Lee Dennis14 July 2016
Gestational diabetes is associated with increased risk of urinary incontinence up to 2 years postpartumJulia Erin Fehniger, Jeanette Sara Brown16 March 2013
Pelvic floor muscle training may improve prolapse stage, muscle function and urinary symptoms compared to no trainingCynthia M Sublett13 September 2012
European cost-effectiveness analysis of cervical screening strategies for women not vaccinated for HPV: in many scenarios primary HPV screening is preferable to primary cytology screening in women aged over 30 yearsLynette Denny, Jane Kim28 September 2012
Women with viral STIs face dilemmas in negotiating condom use and would like direct safe sex advice from cliniciansC Ann Gakumo4 October 2012