Learning to love: shunning conventional stereotyping of giving birth to a baby with an abnormalityTracey Cooper, MBE13 June 2019
Behavioural and pharmacological interventions are more effective than no treatment for urinary incontinence outcomes in womenNicole Zhang11 July 2019
Acceptance-focused processes and self-compassion protect pregnant women from developing postpartum depressive and anxiety symptoms and improve relationships with health caregiversAsmaa Salah Eldin Mohamed Saleh12 July 2019
Preventing postpartum depression: fatigue management is a place to startCindy-Lee Dennis, Simone Vigod19 April 2019
Chronic skin disorders negatively impact women’s quality of life and sexual functionKaren McGuigan, Charles J McGuigan22 June 2019
Low-dose aspirin as a promising agent for the prevention of spontaneous preterm birthAnadeijda J E M C Landman, Martijn A Oudijk30 May 2019
Grounded theory approach describes individual and external factors implicated in processing a work-related traumatic event in midwives and obstetriciansKayleigh Sheen, Pauline Slade26 March 2019
Recent data indicate that black women are at greater risk of severe morbidity and mortality from postpartum haemorrhage, both before and after adjusting for comorbidity.Christine J Caldwell, Lynn McCullagh18 March 2019