Adequate maternal pre-conceptional folate status may reduce the risk of gestational diabetes mellitusKaren Best, Tim J Green17 March 2020
Lowering the thresholds of blood pressures in pregnancy, in line with the American College of Cardiology guidelines, has the potential to improve detection and outcomes for mother and babyLaura Austin24 August 2020
Fathers report experiencing negative feelings and psychological difficulties during the perinatal periodJames Hill, Elizabeth Gomez, Andrew Clegg24 July 2020
Web-based psychoeducation for first-time mothers more effective than home-based psychoeducation or routine careTerri Kean29 May 2020
COVID-19 and pregnancy outcomes: initial findings show little threat, but more data are neededCaique Jordan Nunes Ribeiro, Shirley Verônica Melo Almeida Lima, Allan Dantas dos Santos2 September 2020
Cannabis use in pregnancy: a harm reduction approach is needed with a focus on prevention and positive interventionCindy-Lee Dennis, Simone Vigod13 February 2020
Uncovering the use and misuse of opioid analgesia in a pregnant and non-pregnant female populationMartin Galligan20 January 2020
There are both positive and negative implications to the use of mobile phones in the birth suiteSusan James25 September 2019
Call for culturally sensitive comprehensive cancer control programmes in the Middle Eastern countriesIman Al Hashmi, Vidya Seshan28 September 2019
Provider-level characteristics are significantly associated with the increased likelihood of mastectomy over conservative surgery among elderly women with breast cancerMahzabin Ferdous, Tanvir C Turin6 September 2019